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ПочешИ мне спИну, и я почешу тебе // ОкажИ мне услугу, а я окажу тебе. |
"You scratch my back, I'U scratch yours," Bombini said.
"Something for you, sometblng for me. У ou lend me your mule,
I'11 lend you my ох." ( Crichton)
Time and the progress of modern enlightenment put things right, and misalliance passed muster very well. We are all getting Iiberal now ; and (provided you сап scratch me, if 1 scratch you) what do I care, in or out of Parliament, whether you are а Dustman or а Duke? ( Collins) Уet Lewis, like every other author, needs praise, lashings of praise. Не hungers and thirsts for it. Because he sees aU sorts of other men scratching each other's backs and rolling each other's logs, he shouts in holy horror at the spectacle. However, he is so much concerned with himself that it never occurs to him to hand the sam!:" gross flattery to any friend ; and so he remains а lonely figure ,, the Iittle Cafe Royal, Chelsea. (Swinnerton) Claw me and I'D claw thee, wink at me and I will not see your faults ! (Adams) |